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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৯ জানুয়ারি ২০২১

নেভিগেশনাল তথ্য

Navigational Information

• Vessels of 6.0m. to 9.5m draught can take berth in anchorage, mooring buoys and jetties. 

• Maximum LOA of vessels: 225 meters 

• Tidal range: between 1.2 and 3.5 meter 

• Pilotage : Compulsory 

• Night navigation is permissible for outward and inward movement of ships up to 175m LOA.

• 64 Lighted buoys are available at the Channel. “Conical shape" buoys are on starboard side and "can shape" buoys on the port side.

Hydrographic Information

The tides are important for navigation as determines the possibility of crossing the shallow outer bar at the entrance. The tides are semi diurnal with prominent diurnal effect. The approx. tidal range is between 1.2m to 3.5m all over the channel.


Mongla port consists of shore-based facilities and a sheltered anchorage in the Pussur River. Depth of water available at the anchorage is from 5.9m  up to maximum 17.0m of LLWD. Distance from Mongla fairway buoy to Mongla port Jetty is 71 Nautical miles.

Maximum Size of Ships

Ships drawing up to 9.5m can cross the bar in all seasons. During S.W Monsoons vessels up to 10.5m can cross the outer bar in spring tide.